I can't decide what my blog is for. Is it a conversation or is it a piece of art/writing? It seems neither. Jotting down the events of my day online doesn't interest me that much. There's not enough feedback for a conversation. Perhaps I can use it as writing practice. I guess I will.
The best thing to do is keep writing, there are a lot of lurkers out there who read but don't comment.
The other thing to do is self promote. Visit other blogs, leave a comment like I'm doing and people will visit, maybe add your site as a link on their site
Add a counter to your site, go to mine click on the counter, register with them, its free and add the HTML to your template (its quite easy - i'll explain it to you if you want) then you'll know how many people are visiting your blog.
Also if you want people to continue to visit you must post regularly, I try and post every day or at least every couple of days, if you don't post they'll get bored and find others to visit.
Be original.
Good Luck
Thanks. I followed your instructions on putting in a counter, and now I've got one :-)
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